Dom Pedro Golf SA keeps documented and up-to-date records of the environmental aspects inherent to its activity and these are duly monitored and properly treated within the scope of the Company’s Quality and Environmental Management System.
The most significant environmental aspects are: water for irrigation; fertilizers, phytopharmaceuticals; electricity and fuel consumption.
All significant environmental aspects are subject to strict operational control and to a tight qualitative and quantitative monitoring criteria. They are managed and treated properly by knowledgeable and well trained personnel, aided by the technologies available to monitor, evaluate and reduce consumption.
The commitment to a preventive vs corrective maintenance approach (grass areas maintenance and use of machinery/equipment) and the continuous investment on techniques which will replace the use of phytopharmaceuticals in grass areas, by means of cultural fight (mechanical), genetic (choice of more resilient grass species) and biological (use of biological products and promotion of natural predators to combat pest attacks and diseases), are key factors to the success of the Company’s environmental performance, demonstrating high eco-efficiency results.
The Company also promotes research and development project partnerships (R&D) in the areas of phytosanitary, use of water resources (recycled water for irrigation), energy consumption (renewable energies and energy efficiency) and natural resource management.
The significant environmental aspects approach is considered a key factor for a sustainable management of the golf activity and the relevant interested parties are kept informed regularly, through all communication means available and/or through sharing knowledge and experiences.